
How to Join

Membership fees are £10 (single) and £15 (2 persons at same address) in 2024

Student membership category (Full time student up to 21) – Free.

Membership gives free attendance at all indoor and field meetings, unless otherwise shown.
You also receive a copy of the monthly Bulletin and be able to access the bulletins and other members content on the website.
We encourage those of you who can, to pay your subscription by BACS. At the same time, please also email the Membership Secretary with your postal address.
If you cannot pay by BACS then please email or ring the membership secretary with your postal address and email address (if you have one) and you will be sent an application form to fill out and send back, enclosing your payment. Thank you.
The  Membership Secretary is Heather Royle (email: ) (Tel: 07887 743371).
The bank details are as follows:
Account name: Salisbury and District Natural History Society. Account number: 67292932. Sort Code: 08-92-99. Co-Op Bank